Quotes by Asimov Isaac

Quotes by Asimov Isaac. All you need to know about Asimov Isaac. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about Asimov Isaac. Free quotes, quotations and sayings about Asimov Isaac, love, life and friendship online. Great short and famous quotes, sayings, proverbs, quotable words, epigrams, aphorisms and quotations by Asimov Isaac. Enjoy the best quotes to inspire, help keep perspective and energize. Asimov Isaac.


It is change, continuing change,…

3 Mar , 2011  

It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be…. This, in turn, means that our statesmen, our businessmen, our everyman must take on […]