Famous Wealth quotes and quotations

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A man is usually more careful of…

5 Jan , 2014  

A man is usually more careful of his money than he is of his principles. Howe, Edgar Watson


All the arguments which are brou…

5 Jan , 2014  

All the arguments which are brought to represent poverty as no evil show it evidently to be a great evil. Johnson, Samuel


All wealth is the product of lab…

5 Jan , 2014  

All wealth is the product of labor. Locke, John


Almost all the noblest things th…

5 Jan , 2014  

Almost all the noblest things that have been achieved in the world, have been achieved by poor men; poor scholars, poor professional men, poor artisans and artists, poor philosophers, poets, and men of genius. Pike, Albert


And plenty makes us poor….

5 Jan , 2014  

And plenty makes us poor. Dryden, John


As to those who hoard gold and s…

5 Jan , 2014  

As to those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in God’s path, give them, then, the tidings of a painful agony: on a day when these things shall be heated in hell-fire, and their foreheads, and their sides, and their backs shall be branded therewith. Koran


Every man is rich or poor accord…

27 Apr , 2013  

Every man is rich or poor according to the proportion between his desires and his enjoyments. Johnson, Samuel


I would rather sit on a pumpkin …

18 Oct , 2011  

I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion. Thoreau, Henry David


If capital and labor ever do get…

5 Aug , 2011  

If capital and labor ever do get together it’s good night for the rest of us. Hubbard, Kin


If rich men would remember that …

5 Aug , 2011  

If rich men would remember that shrouds have no pockets, they would, while living, share their wealth with their children, and give for the good of others, and so know the highest pleasure wealth can give. Edwards, Tyron


In Boston they ask, how much doe…

25 Mar , 2011  

In Boston they ask, how much does he know? In New York, how much is he worth? In Philadelphia, who were his parents? Twain, Mark


It is better for you to be free …

4 Mar , 2011  

It is better for you to be free of fear lying upon a pallet,than to have a golden couch and a rich table and be full of trouble. Epicurus