Quotes by Watts Alan Wilson

Quotes by Watts Alan Wilson. All you need to know about Watts Alan Wilson. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about Watts Alan Wilson. Free quotes, quotations and sayings about Watts Alan Wilson, love, life and friendship online. Great short and famous quotes, sayings, proverbs, quotable words, epigrams, aphorisms and quotations by Watts Alan Wilson. Enjoy the best quotes to inspire, help keep perspective and energize. Watts Alan Wilson.


The configuration of my nervous …

26 Sep , 2009  

The configuration of my nervous system, like the configuration of the stars, happens of itself, and this ‘itself’ is the real ‘myself.’ From this standpoint here language reveals its limitations with a vengeance I find that I cannot help doing and experiencing, quite freely, what is always ‘right,’ in the sense that the stars are […]


Trying to define yourself is lik…

10 Sep , 2009  

Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth. Watts, Alan Wilson